Di Caccamo Dental Studio

Does your fear of the dentist make maintaining regular check-up sessions and oral care hard? We at APGR have the best solution for you.

Conscious sedation is an innovative anaesthetic technique that reduces pain while maintaining the patient conscious yet relaxed both mentally and at a muscular level.

The anaesthetist administers a carefully blended mixture of drugs throughout the treatment, achieving both an anxiolytic and analgesic effect.

This technique benefits anxious patients or those who undergo particularly invasive treatments.

While administering conscious sedation, the anaesthetist continuously monitors vital signs, including heart rate, blood pressure, respiration, and oxygen levels. Additionally, they regularly assess the patient’s responsiveness to stimuli to gauge the level of consciousness. When the treatment is complete, the patient can leave the practice after a brief observation period and continue with their day.

This technique can be applied to younger patients and adults for all treatments conducted in APGR.

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